Friday 26 July 2013

Days 29/30 - Some trouble in paradise

Hi Everyone....We had some trouble on Day 29. We were on Highway 37 going towards Dease Lake, British Columbia following a bout of rain. We hit a stretch of road that once again had many potholes. Walter saw Roberto take a nasty pothole so he veered his wheel to avoid it and unfortunately hit an even bigger pothole that caught his wheel and threw him off the bike. He is ok however he was airlifted to Vancouver General Hospital. He has several broken bones but no life-threatening injuries... thank God!!! We were very very lucky in that we had been out for several days in complete wilderness and when this happened we were 12 kms from a small regional hospital. Ambulance was quick to get there! It could of been so much worse had we been in the middle of nowhere. No other bikes went down and we are all fine.

We are now in Prince George and Heather, Walter's wife, is flying out to Vancouver this morning. Some good friends of ours who live in Vancouver are lending support at that end. Thank you Simon & Bella!!

Originally the whole group was going to ride with us to Calgary... and then we were going to split up and they were going to head to Vancouver, then down to Seattle. Given current circumstances... Roberto and I are leaving on our own from Prince George this afternoon and heading back home.... planning to spend the night in Jasper tonite and Calgary the next day. The rest of the group are going to head to Vancouver tomorrow.

We will be getting daily updates on Walter .... as of this morning he was in good spirits and he's got that Kiwi determination to get well quickly.

We will continue to keep you posted on this last leg of Roberto's fundraiser. The group is still smiling... just sad on what happened to Walter.

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