Tuesday 9 July 2013

Day 14 - Fairbanks to Talkeetna

Hi Everyone..... Made it safe and sound to Talkeetna ... saw some good views of  Denali Park. Sunny this morning but really cold... even with the heated gear ... had to put on another layer of clothes...8 degrees before we started riding... so imagine with the wind factor...it was chilly!!

If the weather is clear tomorrow morning, we will rent a plane to view Denali Park by air. Either way we will then ride out to Anchorage and stay for 2 nights.

Below is a photo of the Bed & Breakfast we are staying at tonite... and Jesse and Roberto relaxing on the deck once we got here.

Everyone is pretty wiped tonite... we think riding in the cold weather might of had an impact on all of us. Early night for us all.... I'm sure.

We are truly enjoying 'living the dream'. Bearded Roberto is still smiling..... I will send you a photo soon of his new look :)

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