Thursday 11 July 2013

Day 16 - Six Degrees of Separation

Our son was at a wedding last weekend in New York City and turns out the groom is from Anchorage, Alaska. Through an invite on email, today we went to his family's bakery and met up with his Mom.... how cool is that! Busy bakery called Fire Island Bakery...  excellent pastries and great hospitality. Who would of thought we would end up knowing someone in Anchorage.... through someone who knows someone....that six degrees of separation does happen!! Having difficulties with attaching photos today from this location.... will send pics tomorrow.

Got the one bike fixed and we are ready to head out tomorrow morning to Whittier. We will actually be going through some train tunnels shared by both trains and vehicles.... all tied to a schedule. Then we are booked to do a 4 hour boat tour to see the glaciers and sea animals.  The weather has been awesome.... 73 degrees today.

Believe it or not... we are already  halfway through our trip. Have ridden just over 7,600kms and Roberto has rode it all. He continues to ride like the wind. We are so thankful to our group of friends on this trip who have made this dream possible. It would of never happened without them. Donations continue to come in and Roberto will certainly reach his goal.

Life is great.... going for another Alaskan King Crab dinner shortly.

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