Tuesday 2 July 2013

Day 7 - We are still pinching ourselves -- A dream come true today!

Hi Everyone....a dream came true today! Just before Roberto got diagnosed with ALS 3 years ago this July.... we were planning a motorcycle trip to Alaska with our group on friends that we are with on this trip. If someone would of told us at that time that we would be in Alaska on July 2, 2013.... we would of never believed it!

We are blessed.... Look at this photo below.... here we are our entire group at mile 0 heading off on the Alaska Highway this morning. Roberto and I are in the middle. Truly amazing to be here... life is great!!!!

Spectacular riding today from Dawson Creek to Fort Nelson. Beautiful winding roads and great weather. Went from 31 degrees yesterday to quite cool today due to high winds. Lots of sun... perfect riding weather. We are off to Watson Lake tomorrow.
 Roberto and I on the historical curved wooden river bridge near Kiskatinaw Provincial Park.
The Boys!
 From left to right... Dave, Jesse, Roberto and Walter. And YES... they are always smiling like that.


  1. I see you got your very own police escort! ( first photo) or did you guys get busted!!:)
    Alaska will never be the same....

  2. AMAZING UPDATE!!! So happy that you made it safe & sound and are having a great time. You deserve it! Very proud. Big big hug. Xoxo
