Wednesday 31 July 2013

Day 37 - What starts off bad....finishes off GOOD!

This morning will probably go down as one if not the most 'not good' riding experiences we have ever had. We left Nipigon at 7:30am hoping to make good time. The clouds looked heavy with rain. Little did we know what awaited us! We were faced with almost 2hours of heavy dense FOG and drizzling rain. We could hardly see one motorcycle lenght in front of us. Give us heavy rains over fog any day. Once we got done with the fog....we did get heavy rains. However the worst part was the just went right through us.

Once we got to Sault Ste Marie.... the sun started teasing us. About an hour later it came out..Alleluia!!!! We made it to Sudbury....almost 900kms. we have now ridden just over 16,000kms. Looking forward to making it home tomorrow.

Will blog tomorrow night once we have safely arrived! We are smiling big time on this wonderful adventure.

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