Thursday 4 July 2013

Day 8 - Freedom of the Open Road

Hi Everyone - I would need a couple of pages to talk about everything we saw today. Simply put....there is nothing like the freedom you feel when you ride a motorcycle on an open road through the wilderness. The smell of the forest, the colors.... everything is so vivid! I cannot count the number of times we came to the crest of a mountain today to a spectacular view below.... it took our breath away. It has rained quite a bit here over the last month so everything is so lush with various tones of green... add blue blue skies and cotton ball white clouds to that... and what you have is amazing!!!! Lots of winding roads.... all through wilderness... so relaxing and humbling when you look at what mother nature has created.

We had some up front and personal moments with wildlife as well. We came across a herd of over 100 buffalo crossing the road, black bears and stone sheep (native to the area)... and as the pics below show... the sheep were not interested in talking to us :)

Off to Whitehorse tomorrow.... the adventure continues!


  1. Geez...Buster would fit right in with those sheep!!

  2. Liz and I are in NYC right now and it's pretty much the opposite of what you're describing! We went to a great rooftop wedding last night, saw the fireworks over the Hudson and baked in the near 40C humidity. The groom was actually from Alaska. If you go to Anchorage, stop by Fire Island Rustic Bread - it's the groom's family's bakery. They told me to tell you to stop by.

  3. We r going to will look them up. We r having a great time.
