Sunday 7 July 2013

Day 11- Should of, could of, would of.....

We had the best of intentions today. Before leaving for Dawson City we talked about filling up the spare gas tank that we have on the trailer as gas is hard to come by in the Yukon... gas stations that were there last year... close up shop and even though they are on the GPS ... they no longer exist. We talked about filling up the tank.. but never did!

We had a great ride to Dawson City.... sunny weather, cold again but with the heated gear... easy to deal with. We started looking for gas and the two gas stations on GPS were closed. We had Jesse run out of gas on the road and both Walter and Dave coasted into the gas bar in Dawson City on a complete empty tank. Roberto and I must of had someone looking out for us... because we both made it with a little gas to spare. Glad to report the gas tank is filled now!

Dawson City is just like a scene out of the movies.... all the buildings are old western style and all the streets are unpaved ... a typical western town. We had a great dinner at Klondike Kate's and then went to see the show at the casino. Came out at 11:30pm and still light out... unbelievable... you can never sleep out here... lots of pics to share ... will get them out to you by tomorrow hopefully.

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