Sunday 7 July 2013

Day 12 - Top of the World Highway to Alaska

What an experience today. We left Dawson City on the ferry this morning and crossed over to begin riding on the famous Top of the World Highway in Alaska ..... unbelievable scenery on a gorgeous sunny morning.... complete wilderness ... high in the mountains ...  no guardrails and all on 140kms of unpaved roads. Actually this highway is only open from late May to October. STUNNING scenery.... actually felt like we were on the top of the world... almost riding on clouds. Once we got to the US border... they told us the next 15miles were rough... that was an understatement when you are riding a motorcycle... very rough, lots of potholes and windy roads.

We stopped for lunch at Chicken, Alaska (yes... that really is small town)... and once we left there... we hit torrential rain... we stopped to put on our rain gear... but we already looked and felt like mops by that time... we were so wet. We persevered and once the rain stopped... arrived at a neon sign that told us warning... forest fires ahead.... the smoke was so dense we could hardly see.... but we made it out of there ok.  The last part of our ride into Fairbanks, Alaska was stunning... beautiful sun came out again. We had one bike break down as soon as we hit city but all is good as we have a day off here tomorrow so we can get to the Harley Dealership. So how is that for a mixed bag of events in one day. Phew!!!We rode just under 700kms... no needless to say... everyone will sleep well tonite.

Roberto is still smiling ear to ear... and growing a beard while we are away!

Will send pics tomorrow

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