Saturday 20 July 2013

Day 25 - OMG.... I was mistaken...

Folks... today is one for the record books. We left Beavercreek in the rain and all we can say is that we never saw so many potholes in one road for the better half of the day. It was raining so hard that we could not actually see the potholes as they were full of water. Add to that the crevices in the road ... and if you got your tire in took you wherever it wanted to. It actually felt like riding a horse ...cause when you hit a pothole you had to hang on for dear life. Rain, rain and more rain in the morning... a few sneak peaks of sun in the afternoon and more rain arriving into Whitehorse. Phew... we made it here safe and sound and are all smiling.

Peggy and Heather had a great photo opportunity while driving... see Mamma Bear with Baby Bear... how awesome is that.....

The rainbow in our day.... we have hit just over 10,458 kms. All bikes have done the mileage ... no breakdowns and no more running out of gas :)

 This dirt road looks good compared to what we actually went through...  Waiting for Pilot Vehicle to bring us through....

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