Saturday 13 July 2013

Day 18 - So much to tell you all!!

Between yesterday and today... I could write a couple of pages on everything that we saw and did. Will try and keep it short.

Yesterday while on the cruise.... they told us we were extremely lucky as the weather was picture perfect to see the glaciers.... temperature was high 70 degrees.. sunny and warm... and it truly was an experience we will always remember. They said they only get a couple of days like that per season. See photo of Roberto from yesterday... just had to add that in today. What I didn't mention yesterday is that Chugach National Park that we were in (and still are today) is over 5.1 million acres... yes that is correct. It is also considered a rain forest because it gets up to 15 feet of rain/yr and 20 feet of snow. Only 300 people live in Whittier year-round... now we know why.

When we got up this morning the weather was gray and overcast (typical for Whittier). We saw the train come through the very same tunnel that we then had to go through again to get on the other side of the mountain. We must of done something good in our life... because once we came out on the other side.... sun, sun, sun! Beautiful views... see pics below.

Once we reached our destination of Seward, Alaska... we went to see the Exit Glacier. We decided to try and walk up to the base of the glacier. If you can believe it... determined as ever.... Roberto walked 1 mile to the glacier and 1 mile back on some pretty rugged terrain. See pics below.

Tomorrow we retrace our steps and go back to towards Denali Park. If the weather is good we will attempt to rent a plane to see the Denali Mountain range....

 Roberto on his bike.... great stretch of road!

Roberto being Roberto had to go past the "Do Not Enter Sign" and went one level higher to take photos of the glacier.... questo e mio uomo!!!!

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