Wednesday 17 July 2013

Day 22 - Roads, Bugs, North Pole and a surprise!

Thought for all the motorcycle riders reading this blog we should tell you how surprised we are on the roads in Yukon and Alaska.  Contrary to what we heard before leaving, the roads are really good. Yes... some potholes but nothing major. Road construction repair is well marked and there often are pilot vehicles leading the way. The only really bad road so far was that 15 miles of dirt road after Customs on the Top of World Highway.

Now they say everything is bigger in Texas... NOT TRUE. Everything is much bigger in Alaska because of all the extra daylight. The hanging flower baskets are gigantic...someone told us at a local fair last year.. the record pumpkin weighed 2000 lbs... and the dragon flies are so big you can almost put a saddle on them and ride them! Mosquitoes... now that is a total different story... tons of them and they love tourists not locals. That we can all vouch for!!! Ouch!

We stopped in at the North Pole.. see some pics below.

Also... Roberto and I got a lovely surprise tonight. Our group bought us a beautiful motorcycle wine decanter they purchased in Dawson City for us... and a cute sign for our home office. We know exactly where it will go in our new house. We are blessed to have such great friends in our life and have this wonderful adventure with them.

Off to Valdez tomorrow... short distance... good sightseeing along the way...

As you can see... Roberto has a thing for 'chairs'... while Santa was on his coffee break.. he snuck in there for a photo opportunity!

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