Sunday 30 June 2013

Day 5 - Sunshine in our World!

Spectacular day today... sun, sun, sun.... crystal blue sky! We had a little delay in leaving Moose Jaw due to a minor motorcycle repair.... so we spent it by the Moose Jaw statue above. Saw a lot of the local prairie dogs in nearby field ... cute and playful.

Rode 800kms today... Roberto continues to do extremely well... albeit a little tired... as we all are. We arrived in Edmonton, Alberta just after 8:00pm tonight and leaving for Dawson Creek tomorrow. Should be another spectacular day weather wise and especially entertaining as we will begin to enter the mountains.

You are all in our thoughts in this adventure. Thank you again for your support.


  1. Dawsons Creek!!!! "i don't wanna wait for our lives to be over... i want to know right now will it be"

  2. Heavy Km's!!

  3. Looks like I got this blog thing figured out... Thanks Paolo!:)
    Looks like and sounds like a great trip so far. Glad to hear that you are all enjoying the journey!!
    Keep the blogs coming, It's the next best thing to being there with you.

  4. Wow amazing distance in such short order. Ride safely. We're following your blog daily. Lots of love Bella and Simon

  5. Tried blogging the other days however just noticed our messages did not go through.

  6. Great to hear from you. You and Bella are with us in spirit! Thank you for your support.
