Saturday 29 June 2013

Day 4 - A very special day!

Great day today on many fronts. We made it safe and sound to Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan riding another 650km in bright sunny weather through the prairies.

Roberto has a friend Elio Zanelli, who comes from the same area of Italy. Elio's wife suffered from ALS and sadly passed away a few years ago. Elio and a group of friends organized an ALS fundraiser in her memory cycling across Canada. The group started off in Victoria, BC and we meet them today on the highway .... just outside of Regina. Very emotional but such a great moment to celebrate these two interlinked fundraising initiatives.

We have many great photos to share but are having some difficulties downloading in our current location. Hopefully will have these out to you tomorrow. Pics of a continuously smiling Roberto ... and a real great photo of him with the group of cyclists.

Tomorrow we are heading to Edmonton. Keep sending your positives vibes!


  1. amazing!! so glad you ran into Elio :)

    keep on keeping on!!

  2. What a great day!! Happy to hear you ran into Elio and the cyclists - what a touching experience! Love hearing stories from the road - keep them coming. So proud of you guys and love you very much! Big big hug. Xoxo
