Thursday 27 June 2013

Day 1 .. A picture is worth a thousand words...

Here is Roberto after riding close to 700km from Toronto to Sault Ste Marie on Day 1. Is this a happy man of what! Weather forecast was showers.... but had sunshine all the way. Did we do something good in our life or what!!!

Below is a photo of Roberto, myself and David and Denise Thompson beginning our adventure, just before we left King City. Roberto's friend, Frank Aulino came by with his son to say goodbye and send us off. Thank you Frank for your thoughtfulness ... very appreciated!

Made it to Sault Ste Marie and met up with our friends Walter and Heather Van der Kley and David Lusk from New Zealand and our road Captain, Jesse Clement and Peggy Rennoldson from Detroit. A photo of us at dinner.


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