Sunday 30 June 2013

Day 5 - Sunshine in our World!

Spectacular day today... sun, sun, sun.... crystal blue sky! We had a little delay in leaving Moose Jaw due to a minor motorcycle repair.... so we spent it by the Moose Jaw statue above. Saw a lot of the local prairie dogs in nearby field ... cute and playful.

Rode 800kms today... Roberto continues to do extremely well... albeit a little tired... as we all are. We arrived in Edmonton, Alberta just after 8:00pm tonight and leaving for Dawson Creek tomorrow. Should be another spectacular day weather wise and especially entertaining as we will begin to enter the mountains.

You are all in our thoughts in this adventure. Thank you again for your support.

Photos from we go

 Meeting with the group... they are going east..we are heading west

Ice cream stop!

Saturday 29 June 2013

Day 4 - A very special day!

Great day today on many fronts. We made it safe and sound to Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan riding another 650km in bright sunny weather through the prairies.

Roberto has a friend Elio Zanelli, who comes from the same area of Italy. Elio's wife suffered from ALS and sadly passed away a few years ago. Elio and a group of friends organized an ALS fundraiser in her memory cycling across Canada. The group started off in Victoria, BC and we meet them today on the highway .... just outside of Regina. Very emotional but such a great moment to celebrate these two interlinked fundraising initiatives.

We have many great photos to share but are having some difficulties downloading in our current location. Hopefully will have these out to you tomorrow. Pics of a continuously smiling Roberto ... and a real great photo of him with the group of cyclists.

Tomorrow we are heading to Edmonton. Keep sending your positives vibes!

Friday 28 June 2013

Day 3....Over 700km today!

Quick post to let you know we arrived in Winnipeg today. We played catch me if you can with the rain and it won. Sporadic showers all day but sun in forecast tomorrow . YIPEE! Roberto has incredible stamina. We are having a great time . Will include pics tomorrow. Going to Moose Jaw tomorrow.

Thursday 27 June 2013

Day 2..... Perseverance is the name of this Game!!

Well folks... we had it all today weather wise. Rain, wind, dense fog, lightning and very very cold. We persevered and made it through 722km from Sault Ste Marie to Thunder Bay...and here we are ... still smiling... but tired. Going to bed now.... and off to Winnipeg tomorrow.

Keep those positive vibes coming our way!


Day 1 .. A picture is worth a thousand words...

Here is Roberto after riding close to 700km from Toronto to Sault Ste Marie on Day 1. Is this a happy man of what! Weather forecast was showers.... but had sunshine all the way. Did we do something good in our life or what!!!

Below is a photo of Roberto, myself and David and Denise Thompson beginning our adventure, just before we left King City. Roberto's friend, Frank Aulino came by with his son to say goodbye and send us off. Thank you Frank for your thoughtfulness ... very appreciated!

Made it to Sault Ste Marie and met up with our friends Walter and Heather Van der Kley and David Lusk from New Zealand and our road Captain, Jesse Clement and Peggy Rennoldson from Detroit. A photo of us at dinner.


Tuesday 25 June 2013

The Big Adventure starts tomorrow!

We leave tomorrow!

Hi Everyone.... seems hard to believe we begin Roberto & Tutto Bene's ALS Fundraiser tomorrow. We are going a little crazy today doing all the last minute prep for being on the road for 5 weeks. Our goal is to have daily posts for you to follow our group on it's journey from Toronto to Alaska and back.

Tomorrow morning we leave with our friends David and Denise Thompson from King City who will travel with us up to Sault Ste Marie. We will then be meeting up there with our New Zealand and American friends coming up from Michigan for the rest of the journey. Aiming to have a group photo for you by tomorrow. In the meantime... although this photo was taken this past year in Italy... can guarantee you we are smiling just as much right now!

We want to thank you all for your generous support. Should anyone you know want to contribute to this fundraiser they can support Roberto by donating at You can also follow @MaryLorenzoni on Twitter for updates from the ride.

Will keep you posted!