Thursday 1 August 2013

Day 38 - TARARARARAH!!!!

Although he looks tired.... Robert is a very happy man.  We made it home safe and sound today... riding through some really sunny weather.

Roberto has ridden a total of 16,722 kms to raise funds for ALS. How amazing is that!!! We confided in each other on this trip that neither one of us thought he would be able to ride the whole way. What can I tell you.... that man of mine has steel determination and I am still wondering how he did it. He will need to recuperate as he is tired but then... who wouldn't be after a trip like that.

As you can see... we are already celebrating over a glass of wine tonight!

We want to thank our group of friends who made this possible... without them... this trip would of never happened. We have a special place in our hearts for Jesse, Peggy, Walter, Heather and Dave. Walter continues to improve at Vancouver General Hospital... and that tough Kiwi will be back home with Heather soon.

Also... thanks to all of you for your words of encouragement, prayers and positive vibes. It has meant alot to the Lorenzoni Family!!! We are truly blessed!

Roberto got his Alaskan flag in Anchorage... it will be 'retired' in the home office now!!
Celebration time!

Wednesday 31 July 2013

Day 37 - What starts off bad....finishes off GOOD!

This morning will probably go down as one if not the most 'not good' riding experiences we have ever had. We left Nipigon at 7:30am hoping to make good time. The clouds looked heavy with rain. Little did we know what awaited us! We were faced with almost 2hours of heavy dense FOG and drizzling rain. We could hardly see one motorcycle lenght in front of us. Give us heavy rains over fog any day. Once we got done with the fog....we did get heavy rains. However the worst part was the just went right through us.

Once we got to Sault Ste Marie.... the sun started teasing us. About an hour later it came out..Alleluia!!!! We made it to Sudbury....almost 900kms. we have now ridden just over 16,000kms. Looking forward to making it home tomorrow.

Will blog tomorrow night once we have safely arrived! We are smiling big time on this wonderful adventure.

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Day 36 -Cold and cloudy....

And some light rain. We have not been lucky with the weather the last 2 days. We are spending the night in Nipigon, Ontario where the main restaurant in town is in the Esso gas station...good food but what a small town. It was so cold today...colder than when we were in Alaska. We are hoping to make it to Sudbury for tomorrow night which would bring us home midday on Thursday. Looking foward to our own bed :)

Day 35 - Tada!

We rode 1006 kms today. We just about made it to Kenora, Ontario. Had about one hour of strong rain in Manitoba...otherwise weather good.
We are a little homesick but no worries....riding safe. Roberto says he is ready to get home and relax. His hands have started cramping for the last 2 weeks and he is tired. We have ridden 14,752 kms so far.

The rest of group have made it to Vancouver and are spending time with Walter. He continues to improve.

Sunday 28 July 2013

Day 33 - Lorenzoni Family Reunion & Lazy Riding

Had a good visit with Roberto's brother Paolo and his family in Calgary. We left there at 1:00pm today under grey skies. Once out of the city....sun came out and some good lazy riding to Swift Current, Saskatchewan. After riding through mountains and wilderness for close to a was a shock to the system. Highway 1 is one long, flat straight road with no trees or wild animals to worry about..just field after field for close to 500kms. After a while we would see the odd black birds sitting on a fence post....and they would almost be waving at us they were so bored! Leaving very early tomorrow and weather permitting we hope to get into Ontario.

Not all pics went thru for Day 31... trying again

Day 32 - Rocky Mountain High!

We feel rejuvenated! A great night sleep and a fantastic riding day. Although we have been through Jasper and Banff National Parks before.... we have never done it on motorcycles. What awesome views. Even got a great shot a caribou grazing near the road. See pics below.

We made it to Calgary and the rest of our group are halfway to Vancouver. So all is good.